4 comentarios:

Ina dijo...

I love your Mediterraneo sets.
I'm having a problem with the bookshelf in this set - the front is missing. And so is the books after I've placed it in a home.
Is it possible for you to check what's wrong and see if you can fix it?
I would love to have it in my sim's houses.

Pilar dijo...

I'm confused in my game works well

Ina dijo...

Very weird.
Maybe you can just update the file on TheSimsResource, with the file that you use in your game? I have downloaded it multiple times, and the same result in my game.
I would really appreciate it, I'm using all your Mediterraneo sets in one of my houses, and I really miss the bookcase.

Pilar dijo...

This is how it looks on my game to add books home


I checked the file and not replaced. I can send the file I have on my game

If my file does not work on your game, not that can happen


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Erase una vez una niña…destinada a comenzar su historia una y otra vez…

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